Pandemic Protocol
1st draft 26 April 2020 Updated 15 June 2020
COVID19 Waiver
Are you an essential worker?
Have you had a COVID19 test, either viral or antibody, & if so when & what were the results?
Have you been outside of Cape May County (including traveling between homes) within the last 30 days? If so please provide some detail.
A "yes" answer to any question does not automatically preclude your receiving treatment. We seek an honest exchange of information so that everyone can be protected. We will follow up to confirm your appt. Please enter any additional comments or feedback below.
I understand that COVID-19 is transmissable when an individual is asymptomatic; i.e. absence of fever or other symptoms is not an assurance that an individual is not contagious.
I understand that massage therapy work involves close physical proximity over an extended period of time & accordingly there is an elevated risk of transmission, and I accept that risk.
I give consent to receive massage and bodywork from my therapist _____(name)______, and release The Well & my therapist from any & all liability for any unintentional exposure or harm due to the virus.
I agree to come to The Well wearing a face mask and to practice social distancing in the common areas of The Well as long as that is the recommendation of public health officials. Since aerosol transmission (through the breath) is seen to be the greatest risk, I agree to wear the mask during the treatment if requested to do so by my therapist. Disposable masks will be provided by The Well. I understand that my therapist is not protected from contagion unless we are both wearing masks.
I agree to comply with contact tracing in the event that either my therapist or I am diagnosed with COVID19 subsequent to my massage.