We’d love to get this Women’s Wellness Circle going this winter -
thinking about any weekday evening @6p and a commitment to show for all four sessions
Click on the pic to email us indicating your interest & help us get this workshop series scheduled!

Click on the pic to email us if you’re interested in getting involved with the Women’s Wellness Circle for peri/menopause

meditation + information

What's with the lack of education for women 
in this realm?! 
We want women to know that this change encompasses mind, body & spirit -
Let's connect & learn more about this new 
season in our lives!

1 Brain Shift  how hormonal changes affect brain function, and no, you're not losing your mind!
2 Body Shift bones, strength, exercise & finding a new balance
3 SexEd 2.0 - did you know thyroid & adrenals also play into the female hormone dance?
4 Sexual Healing what ignites you now? explore empowerment, spiritual awakening, altered libido

Each 75min session will be part informative, part meditative, opening with a grounding meditation & closing with a breath body scan.

For folks undergoing cancer treatment

Lillian Rozin is a psychotherapist (20+ years), yogi & meditation teacher, and a kind soul newly relocated to our area.

She offers a free one hour Zoom session on Fridays @11a for those undergoing treatment for cancer.

These sessions will give you or your loved one an experience of deep relaxing breathing & guided meditation, & leave you with some tools to help deal with pain, anxiety & uncertainty as you navigate treatment & beyond.


use this link to contact Lillian for more information