call 609.884.3177 if it’s within 2 hours of desired appt time
or if experiencing difficulties -leave a VOICEMAIL
some of our therapists are not vaxxed, pls check Staff Profiles if this is a concern for you
most therapists are working masked and/or will be happy to wear a mask at your request
all treatment rooms have HEPA filters running 24/7
if there is an ongoing covid surge we reserve the right to ask that you wear a mask in the common spaces that we share with other health practitioners who may be working with immune compromised individuals
please respect our efforts to protect our clients
We hold massage to a higher standard!
in Cape May since 2006 & Montauk 1995-2005
"Great smells & big smiles" customer comment 7 May 2019
Stress is Inevitable, Suffering is Optional